Chapter 4 The Mechanics of love

CHAPTER 4. The Mechanics Of Love…

Firstly, all love came from God the Father…Deep thinking

We inherited Gods love when we were made in Gods likeness…

LAW 1. Love is a FEELING of GOOD we inherited from God the Father 

We FEEL Good when things are going Good…

There are ONLY two versions of love operating in the world today…

Gods love and Mammon (personal gain)

And this is where it gets interesting because both Gods love and Mammon share the same underlying principles so it can be hard to tell the two apart…

All love is felt as three main FEELINGS…

  1. Happiness
  2. Peace
  3. And Joy…

Rom 14:17: “For the kingdom of God is… righteousness (right living leading to happiness) and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”….   (The Divine Breath of GOD’s TRUTH)

I have heard preached in church to NOT live by your emotions… this works fine in robots but not in humans.

You were designed by God to live by your emotions you just haven’t learnt yet how they work…  so your emotions are most often flowing from the manipulated side…

Given a choice would you pick a life of happiness peace and joy or…

sadness anxiety and anger…?

And yes you do get to choose… more on that later…


The goal of humanity is happiness peace and joy in the guidance of the Divine Breath of Gods Spirit of Truth… (Holy Ghost)… simple.


God the Father doesn’t want you being the Mr Misery in the room…


LAW 2… Without Support there is no Love

Without support there is NO love because you simply cannot feel Good about something that does not exist…

There are  3 principal SUPPORTS and they are the same for everyone in every culture going back 6000 years and more… because as mentioned previously, ALL love originated with God our Father.

The 3 Supports are…

  1. People…. that are  valued
  2. Objects… that are  valued
  3. And Events… that are  valued

This is the absolute 2nd law of love and it is the same for everyone because all love originality came from God.

We all have different tastes when it comes to what we value BUT all tastes have either people, objects or events as their base…



With People as our SUPPORT they are usually our immediate Family…

They will often share many of the same values because the DNA will carry a lot of similarities.

They will also have a similar experience base on a history of values to look back on as most family’s would have been raised in the same culture with the same language…food, clothing ect

Our family will like the same things we like and so we will feel comfortable around them…or not…

We are NOT carbon copy’s of our parents so we will form our own opinions on what People, Objects and Events WE personally value based, on our own personal experiences….

The people that SUPPORT us don’t have to be our immediate family…

You can have a family of close friends…

There are sport’s families

Religious families

Work families

Even the local pub can be a family…

Even a pet can be your family…

What holds families together is the shared values… the things that each member of the family considers valuable.

Each interaction is a reinforcement of shared values that builds on the “Good” of the relationship.

Negative interaction breaks down the shared values…

Where there is no Support there is separation…

Jesus said of his family…

Mat 12:50: “For whosoever shall do the will of my Father (Gods love) which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

In most at cases the closest relationship you will have is with your spouse…

The first value you look for in a potential spouse is you want them to look GOOD so as to elevate your social standing, making you look good…

You look for values in them that you admire… there are the values you share and there are the values you don’t have but still admire…they often say opposites attract but over time these opposite values can compound and lead to a compounding annoyance that leads to separation…

What begins as a cute difference can become  “The elephant in the room”

Being too similar can also repel because people don’t like seeing themselves in the mirror all the time…

The best set of 7 values to look for in people can be found in Gods love… and we will be covering this more in the next chapter.

Our strongest values apply to each of the five main areas of life…

Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Social and Financial.

If you don’t know what your value’s are in these areas then you are literally flying blind… sound familiar…?



The next SUPPORT is Objects that we value…

For example… they are the clothes you are wearing right now…

What made you choose them…?

Was it to impress others values…?

Was it to do with the weather…?

Was it the cost…?

Was it the the culture you were raised in…?

Whatever it was the main reason you are wearing them is because they made you feel comfortable… (even if they are sometimes uncomfortable…)

they are your “GOOD.”

What is a Good object for one is not necessarily Good for another…

Cliff Climbing equipment is of no interest to someone who is afraid of heights…

The objects must be something that you value if they are to bring you happiness peace and joy…

Another object of value could be jewellery…

Or the car you drive…or van or 4×4

The house or apartment you live in…

The appliances in your house…

The objects that are a part of your hobbies…

You will very rarely spend money on something you don’t value.

Some of the best valued objects are free…

Like Gods creation of nature… mountains, rivers and the oceans to name a few of many…

The objects you value and support your happiness peace and joy are the objects that make you feel good.

NOTE : People should never be considered Objects because we believe that Objects don’t have any FEELINGS that we need worry about…

The truth is that ALL PEOPLE are Gods children and ALL a part of Gods family…until the day of Judgment.

Remember the second of Jesus commandments…

Mat 22:39: “…Thou shalt love thy neighbour ( be just as concerned for their happiness peace and joy)

as thyself.” (just as you are of your own happiness peace and joy)

Most often the greatest levels of Joy come from discovering

loving accomplishments in relationships AND in the creation of new objects.

We were literally created to be creative beings in our own right within the guidelines of Gods love… “and God saw that it was good”



The last SUPPORT we value is Events or Actions

They can be exercising…or not

It could be going to a concert or opera…

It could be the actions of others you value…

Or doing something with others that you all value…

As long as the event has some personal value to you then

it will produce either happiness peace or joy…

Events are often linked to other people around us…

Love is multiplied when it is shared.

Events have their roots deep in what we value…

Events are often a coming together of People and Objects and they make up the fabric of our lives.

Good events require Planing and Foresight though sometimes they can just happen out of the blue…

Most people are waiting for someone to deliver their GOOD event to their door without them having to work for it…

It’s a lot easier to do nothing… but who wants to get nothing…

Television has jumped to the rescue by creating “Special Events” not to be missed…. all the while programming you to buy their sponsors products…

We lurch from one event to the next constantly looking for our next “fix” with little appreciation for what we just consumed…

Each event has to be bigger than the last or we loose the “WOW” factor.

It has to be bigger… better… faster…

My personal philosophy is… “life is a good feed of fish and chips at the beach with friends… anything better than that is a bonus”.

Humanity has been programmed by the worlds media to have extremely high expectations that are unsustainable and unrealistic.

Our unsatisfied desire for the next shiny thing or event has lead to more grief than love.

Better to live in the appreciation of Gods creation…which if you didn’t know, includes you…

In the next chapter we will be looking at what God considers a “Special Event” and no it doesn’t come with a complementary set of steak knives.

Brain scans have found that the greatest happiness does not come from

Self Gratification but rather helping others and discovering a new Good.

There is one last consideration that ties all the values together and that is…     


All People, Objects and Events we value must be in the right context for us to feel Happiness Peace and Joy…


Context is simply… The valued Time and Place

For an example…   Having a dinner party with close friends and family….

People… valued friends

Objects… valued food

Event… Coming together

Context… valued time and place

Over the past 6000 of history the foundation principles of love have never changed and are still operating every day in everyone’s lives…

Our Love is our Good…

Happiness Peace and Joy…

Supported by People, Objects and Events…we value…

In the right Context…

The only change has been in the individual values and the surrounding context.

Science’s context has tried to convince us that there is NO more to life than we are born then we die with a lot of running around surviving in between…

That we are just a part of an evolution process that started in some pond scum that got smart and through a massive amount of luck resulted in the world we have today…

An alternative context is Gods version of how and why we came into existence…

Over my lifetime I have heard many theories but I have found only one absolute truth that all truth flows from and that is Gods love…

This is the context I have chosen, based on ALL I have observed around me…

These  laws of love are an absolute truth that can be depended on…


Next we are going to look closely at exactly what God values.

If our lives are going to be held accountable to His values then it makes sense to know exactly what they are…

Fortunately God chose to write them down for us to find, understand and follow…

But before  we move onto What exactly is Gods love…


You might be thinking…

If Love is so simple then how come I don’t feel happiness peace and joy…?

The answer is that chances are you are actually flowing in GRIEF

rather than LOVE


Simply put….  Grief is an un-met expectation of love.

The greater the expectation the greater the feeling of loss…

There are three FEELINGS that identify you are in Grief and they are…

  1. Sadness
  2. Anxiety   
  3. Anger     

When you feel any of these feelings it means you are in “Grief.”… not GOOD

An un-met expectation of love is often described as a “disappointment”… It means you had an appointment with happiness peace and joy that didn’t happen…

We often associate Grief with when we lose a loved one.

We feel sadness because we expected to have the loved one around forever…  that there would always be time…

When someone we love dies we skip from fantasy to reality and back again.

We use words like “I wish…” or    “It should…”

Grief can also drop into Anger when things are not going GOOD and our expectation of love is not being met.

Mostly, we live in a constant state of anxiety… expecting the worst.

We are constantly imagining life in a world without a supportive and

loving Heavenly Father…

Just as we have levels of GOOD we also have levels of Expectation based on what we believe from past experiences to be true.

Many of our expectations are just fantasy and we expect those around us to share those same fantasies…

The most common false expectation is that others think the same as we do.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

For starters men and women think on completely different levels…

Men think in compartments and their happiness is based on what compartment is open at the time…

Women don’t have the separate compartments men do in their thinking and everything is open and on the table in front of them.  Their happiness comes from the overall condition of ALL that is before them…

This is not a put down on either way of thinking but an observation of how different we are…

If you don’t take the time to understand your emotions and take control of them you will be the one being controlled by them…like the dog wagged being by the tail…

You have to learn from your past… and the past of others… What works and what doesn’t. The only difference between a child and an adult is years of experience but only if the adult has learnt the lessons from that past experience…

Fortunately there is a simple solution to counteract grief…

Once you recognise you are in grief you can determine how long you choose to stay in Grief… but you do have to do the steps…

STEP 1… You must RECOGNISE that you are FEELING Grief  (sadness, anxiety or anger)    because you have a FALSE, UN-MET, EXPECTATION of a GOOD.
Identify what it is…?      For example … “I just wish that….?”

STEP 2… RESET your expectation…  Ask…     What is a realistic expectation based on what I now know to be TRUE….?      

At this point your feeling’s of sadness, anxiety and anger will usually evaporate… because you are moving from an un-met expectation of love to a realistic expectation of Love.

STEP 3… Now set some new goals based on Realistic Expectations and not FANTASY…

One of the biggest false expectations is… Life is supposed to be easy… It’s not. It takes planning and work to put the people, objects and events that you value into your future…

This is why Gods love is so important…

There is no greater Context than Gods love because ultimately it will be your knowledge and application of Gods love that will determine where you spend Eternity…

Be aware of how your emotions work at different times of the day… they are seldom the same in the morning as they are in the evening because the context of the day will have effected them.

Remember the goal in life is to flow in the good/love…


***The key to The Good Life is in the JOY***


Of all the love emotions the most important is the Joy

As humans we are addicted to Joy and crave it like a drug…

When we can’t find joy we often use drugs as a substitute…

Legal  Drugs like caffeine and nicotine and high concentrations of sugar and fats like chocolate and donuts…

Alcohol is the king of these legal drugs and we constantly use it as a quick fix to bring us our Joy….

Illegal drugs take the feeling of Joy to an even higher level but they also bring with them a deeper level of darkness.

The reason drugs don’t work long term is because there is no achievement, only expense…

It is because the world doesn’t understand how Gods love (Gods Joy) works that has made all life such a struggle…

Gen 3:17: “Then God said to the man, “You listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree, although I commanded you, ‘You must never eat its fruit.’ (Good and Evil)

The ground is now cursed because of you.

Only through HARD WORK  you will eat food that comes from it every day of your life.”

Happiness Peace and Joy are the foundations of a Good life and it is from the Joy that all life flows.

Happiness and Peace are an accumulation of Past Joy Events and the anticipation of Future Joy Events.

Joy is like a burst of happiness…and it is felt in the context of Discovery and Accomplishment.

Joy often manifest as laughter… an exploding smile…

The foundation of comedy is the joy felt when you discover the double meaning in the punch line.

The language of happiness peace and joy is the same In every culture…

We ALL smile the same and laugh the same… in the joy of discovery and accomplishment.

The problem is, to often we are living in the anticipation of future Joy rather than the appreciation of the Joy of past and present accomplishments…

We are constantly Looking forward to the next Joy Event… we are like the donkey 🫏  always chasing the carrot 🥕 on a pole being dangled just out of our reach…

We should be living in the Joy of our creations and the creations of others around us including Gods creations…

The devil has only ONE weapon…through DISTRACTION… to Rob steal and destroy the revelation understanding of Gods love, the true Happiness, Peace and Joy of Gods love.

Putting this in the CONTEXT of Time

We live in the Present… basing our “GOOD” on past Events….

Looking to the Future for the next Joy Event.

It’s in the Joy of discovery and accomplishment we find

the true energy to do life…

Joy Junkies who thrive on accomplishments are often called… workaholics or adrenalen junkies…

The rush of Joy HAS to be balanced with times of peace and contemplation…

When you live in the Appreciation… you constantly draw on the Joy of Past Accomplishment remembering it into your Present.

The accomplishments of building Good Relationships with People.

The accomplishments of creating Good Objects.

The accomplishments of organising Good Events.

As you draw on past discoveries and accomplishments you build the level of Happiness and Peace in your everyday life.

Life goes from just a day to day grind to…a Good Life…then to a Very Good life…

Life is no longer just about survival for yourself but is lived in the appreciation of your achievements and the discovery of the achievements of others… this includes Gods achievements.

The Future is now a realm of eternal unlimited potential ready to be explored in the knowledge of accomplishing even greater Joy Events…

This life is NOT all there is….and you can sense it….  The Best is yet to come…

Humanity was created in the likeness of God to be creative beings like God…

When Mammon (personal gain) became humanity’s foundation rather than Family Gain the earth became the poorer…

We now have a world where all the wealth is held by the top 3% and the rest are left to struggle to survive from day to day…

Many blame God for allowing this to happen but God HAS given us the answer in His Love… humanity has the resources we just have to choose to share them…

The Israelite Priests failed in there role as the teachers of Gods love…

The Christian churches have also failed in their role as teachers of Gods love…

World education has failed in their role as teachers of Gods love…

So this brings us to the next Chapter that explains exactly…

What GOD’S Love is….  The one Absolute Truth that all Truth flows from…


1. Love came from God

2. Love is a “Good” to a “Very Good” Feeling

3. We FEEL Love is happiness peace and joy…

4. Supported by People, Objects and Events we Value…

when they are in the right Context

5. Grief is the opposite of love because it comes from unsupported love.

We feel grief as sadness anxiety and anger