Chapter 1 Introduction



CHAPTER 1. Introduction

There is only one Absolute Truth and all Truth flows from it and that is God’s love…Sunset thinking deep thoughts

There are thousands of theories for a good life but no universal set of laws that applies to everyone…outside of God’s love.

God’s love hasn’t changed in 6000 years of human history…
God’s love operates in every area of our lives… every minute of every day…

Most often God’s love operates at a subconscious level because we have not been taught to recognise its influence…

The one who builds his house on it will endure the storm…

God’s love was the cornerstone the builders rejected…

God’s love will endure for eternity without fading…in fact, it will grow stronger…   There is no greater love as the foundation for a “Good” life…

BUT…      What EXACTLY IS God’s love…?

We sing about it… mention it in sermons… await the return of it…

But…If you asked 1000 people you would get 1000 different answers…

Most would say “Jesus” and in many respects, they would be right…

Jesus certainly taught God’s love in every sermon…preached it wherever he could… demonstrated it with his life…

Jesus also gave us three commandments…


LOVE your neighbour

LOVE as I have loved you

BUT what exactly, is that love…?


Is it your version of love…?

Is it your parent’s version of love…?

Is it your pastor’s version of love…?

Is it your culture’s version of love…?

Is it all of the above…?

Or, if it is God’s love…  how do you know you have got it right…?

And Why is it so important that we understand EXACTLY what God’s love is…?

The answer is… Because you are going to be judged according to God’s Love and because Gods Love is literally the only Love…

There is only one true universal love and that’s God’s love… everything else is the mess we have today.

God’s love is more than a feeling, it’s a specific way of life that supports the feeling and only through understanding what exactly that way of life is, will you have the tools and the compass to navigate your life to a greater ETERNAL love.

In Jn 14:6: Jesus said…”I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Religion has turned Jesus into an idol… and in doing so has lost the deeper message that Jesus was teaching…

The cross cancelled the debt of our sins but it is only in the life teaching of Jesus that deals with the process of repentance that leads us TO God’s love…

God’s love is the truth and the life… and Jesus is the way…

Paul taught.

Eph 2:8: “For by GRACE  (The Divine influence on the HEART and the reflection in the life) are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it (Gods love) is the gift of God:”

And if there is one thing everyone on the planet is looking for… it is love.

No matter the culture, no matter the upbringing, no matter how much money you have… we are all searching for true love.

You don’t know it yet but everything, and I mean everything, can be traced back to God’s love.

Once you know exactly what God’s love is you will be in a better position to find true love and then live happily ever after.

This is no fairy tail but it is the nuts and bolts of exactly what God’s love is and how you can live it with understanding.

It literally is the one absolute truth that ALL truth flows from…

The first step on our journey into God’s love will be to look at where love came from…

You may be surprised to know that humans are the only species on the planet that can consider what exactly love is…  even if we never seem to do so…

Next, we will move on to how exactly love works… for everybody.

We are not as different as you may think.

It is only then that we can look at EXACTLY what God’s love is…to do this, we will be going directly to the source and dig into a forgotten scripture that clearly explains exactly what God’s love is, as taught by God himself.

This scripture is literally the foundation scripture for the New Testament… All new doctrines the early church faced were judged according to the heart of this one scripture… Remember that the early church was in uncharted territory after the death of Jesus but it was this scripture that kept them on course…and it will for you too.

Gods creation and the wordSo let us begin at the beginning, where ALL love originally came from…

Gen 1:31: “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”

CHAPTER 2. In The Beginning…