Part 1 Living the GOOD life

This book is dedicated…

to the diligently seeking…

to the good and faithful…

to the one in a thousand…

to those “In Christ”


Welcome to…

Living The GOOD Life.

This site is a digital version of my book and it is here for you to find the Love you have been looking for your whole life…

We are all looking for the GOOD life and the good news is I have found it…

No catches, no disappointments, just the truth you have never been shown… This book is me sorting out my life and now I’m showing you how you can do the same…

The entire book is Free but it didn’t come without cost so I do have a donation button and all gifts are warmly appreciated…

Love is NOT a mystery that is too complicated to solve but is 3 simple laws that have not changed in 6000 years.

The laws apply to every culture and everyone on the planet just like gravity and understanding these laws will reveal the motivations behind everything, including Creation…

So enough said, let’s begin YOUR journey into Living the GOOD Life…

Your brother in Life…



Mat 13:44: “…the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field,  which when a man had found it,  he hid it again,  and for joy of it went and sold all that he had, and bought that field.”



Living the Good Life…



CHAPTER 1. Introduction…

CHAPTER 2.  In The Beginning…

CHAPTER 3. Let there be Love

CHAPTER 4. The Mechanics Of Love…

CHAPTER 5. Gods “Good”

CHAPTER 6. Flowing “In Christ”



CHAPTER 7. Introduction

CHAPTER 8. Repentance from Dead Works

CHAPTER 9. Faith towards God

CHAPTER 10.  Baptisms

CHAPTER 11.  Laying on of hands

CHAPTER 12.  Resurrection from the Dead

CHAPTER 13.  Eternal Judgments




CHAPTER 14. Introduction

CHAPTER 15. The 9 Gifts of The Spirit

CHAPTER 16. The Body of Christ Ministries

CHAPTER 17. The Ascension Ministries



Bonus… a prophetic dream I had…



Gen 1:3-4: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Light in the darkness

And God saw the light, that it was GOOD: 

and God divided the light from the darkness.”




Living the Good Life…my story…

If there is one thing all of humanity has in common it’s a desire to live the Good life…

No one wants to live a life of chaos and misery. 

The problem is we don’t know exactly what that good life is and so we don’t know how to attain it. 

It’s not as complicated as you would think because there are only 3 simple principles that you’re already operating in that brings everyone their happiness peace and joy, every day… you just don’t know what they are even though you are already doing them…

When you can recognise them you can monitor them and make the necessary changes to get your life on track…

You may consider yourself the exception to attaining the Good life but please read on…
I can assure you, that you are not the exception.

The Good Life is available to all who take the time to find it and find it you will in the pages of this book. 

For thousands of years, mankind has been searching for the good life with only a few finding it. 

What I’m about to show you is my journey to find my purpose in life…

I figured if there wasn’t a good reason to get out of bed each day then what was the point of life? 

What I have learned is astonishing and I am now happy to share it with you in the hope that it will change your life for the better as it has changed mine…

For me just surviving wasn’t enough and there was always this thought that there must be more to life. 

I’m happy to say there is more to life and I am going to show you where to find it. 

My journey began with depression…Even though I lived in a great country called Australia and lived in a great area in that country I still found myself falling into a deep dark black hole…

I have had a strong belief in an all-powerful God but because I didn’t understand the true nature of that God I had begun to find myself feeling isolated and alone and all religion offered me was the same empty unkept promises. 

I have always strived to maintain a positive attitude throughout my life and have also actively helped those around me do the same when the need arose. 

I am a carpenter by trade so my job requires me to solve problems on a daily if not hourly basis. I have been told many times that I do this very well. Once I see something that needs fixing my brain goes to work looking for a solution…Sometimes the answer comes quickly while some problems have taken me years…

The problem I was now facing was slowly destroying me. I would wake up each morning with a feeling of dread and being overwhelmed by what I felt I could not overcome. I would try to identify where the feeling was originating from and try to talk myself through it…Sometimes the feeling would ease but most times I would just be sweeping it under the carpet of the distractions of life.The feeling of hopelessness was not getting better but slowly getting worse. 

One day I hit a feeling of absolute despair. It was the most painful feeling I had ever experienced with everything good around me disappearing and only the chaos and misery filling every part of my being. 

Fortunately, it only lasted a few seconds and then left but it left me shaken. Was this the level of depression I was heading for…?

The experience gave me an understanding of what others with severe depression go through and why they would want to take their own lives. The mental pain is unbearable. I didn’t want to go onto medication unless I had to…

I had a problem but what I needed was a solution

We call Australia “The Lucky Country “ because there is a lot to be grateful for and yet the rise of antidepressant medication is skyrocketing. People are turning to drugs more and more to find their happiness…Higher highs but then comes lower lows…

The expectation of a good life is rapidly fading in the face of inflation, homelessness and even a lack of common decency…

Australians have always been big alcohol consumers and we have a culture of socialising over a glass of wine or a beer… 

It’s seen a quick fix for a growing problem but it is not a lasting solution. 

High levels of drug use create even greater problems so drugs of any kind are not the answer. 

Believing myself a Christian, drugs are not an option and drinking my problems away was something I preferred to leave behind in my teenage years. 

I had smoked marijuana during my teenage years and had almost lost my mind in the process so there was no way I was going back down that rabbit hole…

More and more Governments are struggling to prop up their societies that believe they are entitled to the good life of Free health, free pensions, free education, and free support but unfortunately, there is a growing cost and governments are failing on all fronts…

I’ve learnt one thing and that is when you blame everyone or expect someone else to fix all your problems you will never think of positive ways to fix your own. 

The reason there is so much sadness anxiety and anger in the world is because our versions of what is GOOD have not been met. 

The good news is that when you understand EXACTLY how the Good life works you then have the ability to make educated future decisions based on the reality of what is, rather than the fantasy of what we wish…

When I understood that I was constantly grieving for what I didn’t have I began to make positive changes to my life and this in turn is positively affecting the lives that are around me…

At first, the changes were small… going from what I thought to being real to understanding, accepting and then appreciating what was actually real…I then began to put in place the things I was previously expecting others to do for me. 

I realised how those around me were still oblivious to how life actually worked and were still caught up in where I had been… they were still caught up in the chaos. 

I looked to the bible for my guidance, but if the bible was going to provide me with the answers that I so desperately needed then I would have to simplify its message. 

The first breakthrough came when I realised that everything in the bible was a form of relationship…and in fact, everything in our lives is a form of relationship… From the food we eat to the clothes we wear…

I thought that I had found my answer until I went deeper when God asked me the next question…

But… What kind of relationship…?

I figured that the Love relationship would be the highest form of relationship and it was at this point I realised I had no clue as to what exactly Love was… I had just assumed I knew and had never thought deeply about it…

This was the beginning of a 6 year personal study into Love. 

I began with myself as the test subject and then checked with those around me to see if what I found was just unique to me or was there general rules that applied to everyone…

What I discovered was that there are 3 basic laws of Love that everyone is operating in and almost no one is consciously aware of them…

At first, I thought I must be delusional so I checked and re-checked. I went back to the lives recorded in the bible over thousands of years and again my theories held out…I looked closely at the teachings of Jesus and again my theories lined up with what Jesus taught…

I also noted that the modern church is not teaching these laws… which gave me cause to check again…And again my theories checked out…

I am still checking… looking at reality TV shows… movies… biographies… anywhere there are human interactions…I have run my theories past psychiatrists who said what I was saying made sense. I haven’t come across a Philosopher yet but they’re on my list…

Each time my theories pass the test…

I have looked online and have found mixed portions of what I have discovered but nothing exactly the same…

 I began to write down each step as this helped me to get my thoughts in an order I could easily remember and then follow…It is from these notes that this book was born…

I still have the occasional poke of depression but now I know how to break its power…

I have gone from a Good Life of 2/10 to a good life of around 8/10…and improving…

The Good Life is a dynamic processing journey and that’s half the fun of it…

There is always more to learn and the potentials that are built into these revelations are limitless…I hope you have read enough to feel you want to read more…

I can assure you it will be a rewarding endeavour…

So let us begin at the beginning and discover the Hidden Treasure that is…Gods Love

Chapter 1. Introduction